The banner of the Manchester and Salford Women's Trades and Labour Council
This banner was created during the heady days of the fight within the labour movement over the support for an extention of the franchise to women on the same basis as men (when many working class men did not have the vote). The arguement was in essence: why should the labour movement throw its weight behind a campaign that will enfranchise women of the ruling class and do nothing for enfranshising BOTH men and women of the working class.
The Manchester and Salford Women's Trades and Labour Council was significant break with the existing Trades Council and illustrates the influence of the Pankhursts on Manchester working class politics.
Eventually the organisation merged with the original Trades Union Council.
The banner was thought to be lost until a decendent of the last Secretary of the Council contacted the WCML and asked if they wanted to see a banner. When Ruth and Eddy Frew saw the banner they immediately recognised its significance. It has been one of the improtant artefacts of the Library and one of Ruth's all time favourites.
The banner can be seen at the Working Class Movement Library.
The image is also available as a postcard.
image copyright WCML
Photography Martrin Shakeshaft
Produced for the Working Class Movement Library, Salford.