Banners of Nottinghamshire Area of the NUM presentation pack
Six banners are illustrated, four of which have an image on the back of the banner and so a third leaf in the card shows that side.
Banner of the Nottinghamshire Area of the NUM
This banner replaced the original which was acquired by the UDM as a result of court action in 1984. The front lists all the pits that were in operation in 1984. Painted and stitched on cotton fabric in 1984 by Carla Jamison of the Basingstoke Support Group. 233 cm wide and 150 cm high. The rear of the banner is blank save for a small label describing who made it and when.
Thanks to Alan Spencer for information.
Banner of the Nottinghamshire NUM Ex & Retired Miners Association
The banner was designed by Joan Craddock, David Jenkins, Bob Collier and Eric Eaton. Eric Eaton and Dave Hewtitt raised the funds (£6,048.00 for the banner and £500 for the poles) through trade union donations. Made by Hugh and Lottie Shankland at Durham Banner Makers in 2012 using handpainted polyester with yellow silk sides and fringe and is 210 cm high and 227 cm high.
Thanks to Eric Eaton and Ann Donlan for information. Thanks to the Nottinghamshire NUM Ex & Retired Miners Association for permission to photograph this banner. Image copyright.
Banner of the Linby Branch
Made in 2008 by Paul Spencer, acrylic paint on cotton with a waterproof coat. 201 cm wide and 240 cm high.
The front is a copy of an earlier banner which was appropriated by the UDM and the words “National Union of Mineworkers” were obliterated and replaced with “Union of Democratic Miners”. A court order during the strike moved the assets of the NUM to the UDM.
It shows Joe Whelan, Past President and Secretary of the Linby Branch who later became the General Secretary of the Nottinghamshire Area of the NUM.
The back of the banner lists those who were on strike for the twelve months of the 1984/5 strike, including Dot Hickling, who worked in the canteen. All but one got their jobs back.
The banner was paid for through fund raising including a major donation by Professor Brian Towers, Nottingham University. Linby Colliery closed in 1988 with the loss of 800 jobs.
Thanks to Ron Clurow (ex Linby Branch Treasurer) for information
Banner of the Thoresby Branch
The banner was made to replace the original branch banner that was acquired by the UDM as a result of court action in 1985/6.
The front combines a number of ideas from branch members, who made the final decision of the whole design from a range submitted. It was made in 1990 by Carla Lane using cotton and paint and is 180 cm wide and 240 cm high. It was funded by donations from the trade union and labour movement and had its first viewing at the Thoresby Miners Welfare.
Thanks to Keith Stanley (ex-Secretary, Thoresby and latterly Honorary President, Notts Area of the NUM) for information.
The Commemorative Banner of the Great Strike 1984/85 Hucknall Colliery.
The banner was presented to the Hucknall Branch on the 11th April 1987 at Nightingale Hall by Nottingham University Workplace Branch Labour Party and others to commemorate the suffering and struggle of the miners and their families in the Great Strike of 1984/5.
The driving spirits behind having the banner made were Professor Brian Towers and Pam Arksey. The artist was Paul Waplington who used oil on silk. The seamstress was Stephanie Reckord. The banner is 189 cm wide and 218 cm high.
Thanks to Ian Morrison for information.
The banner of Ollerton Branch
The banner was designed by Lea Jackson and painted by Carla Jamison in 1984 and is 196 cm wide and 236 cm high. Stan Crawford sewed the banner together and made the poles. It replaced the original stolen in 1984 and was funded through donations from trade unions.
The So Few So Strong group of pickets were sustained by the women’s support groups and Norwich Miners’ Support group, acknowledged on the rear. The banner also commemorates Davey Jones, Frickley NUM, who died on the picket line at Ollerton Colliery on 15th March 1984.
Thanks to those who supplied information.
Nottinghamshire NUM Ex & Retired Miners Association
The sale of this card helps fund the Nottinghamshire NUM Ex & Retired Miners Association. 1st Floor, Byron House, Commercial Street, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 1EE 01623 416895
Thanks to the Nottinghamshire Area of the National Union of Mineworkers for permission to photograph this banner. Image copyright.
Photography by Martin Shakeshaft
Photography, design and print by unionised labour. and