Campaign postcard
'Campaign postcard' produced in Spain to promote the International Brigades. It says: 'We, the Internationals, are united with Spaniards in the fight against the invader'; 149mm x 93mm; blank on reverse; in private collection. The Spanish Republic denounced the country's 'invasion' by Hitler, who sent his 16,000-strong Condor Legion to Spain, and Mussolini, who supplied more than 75,000 troops to help General Franco's revolt. Republican loyalists often referred to the Spanish Civil War as a 'war of independence'.
The Spanish Civil War
Over 35,000 men and women from around the world served in the International Brigades. About 2,500 of them were from Britain and Ireland. They served mostly in the British Battalion, but some in the medical services and in other military units; 526 of them gave their lives.
Though General Franco ultimately triumphed – thanks to support from Hitler and Mussolini and Britain’s policy of appeasement towards fascism – the volunteers who went to Spain continue to inspire the world by their example of solidarity, courage and sacrifice.
¡No pasarán!
International Brigade Memorial Trust
The International Brigade Memorial Trust keeps alive the memory and spirit of the men and women who fought fascism and defended democracy in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39. We also honour all those at home who supported the Brigades and who helped the cause of the Spanish Republic.
Find out more about the International Brigades and the work of the IBMT on our website, where you can also become a member and support the Trust in other ways:
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