Long live iron proletarian discipline!
Text at the bottom reads “Shame to the disorganisers of socialist construction! Long live cast-iron proletarian discipline!”. Text on blackboard reads “Skiving off work squanders tens of thousands of tonnes of metal and coal, worth hundreds of millions of roubles in public goods that the country desperately needs. Shame on those who hold up socialist construction – the job hoppers, the shirkers and the artful dodgers! Long live cast-iron proletarian discipline!”. Text across the arm reads “skiver”. Designed by Viktor Nikolaevich Denisov and published by Izogiz in 1933. Printed by lithography. Height 1180mm x width 860mm. Price for a copy was 80 kopecs.
Marx Memorial Library Collection PO-0012
The collection
The Marx Memorial Library is home to over 2,000 posters and subjects include the Russian Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, anti-apartheid campaigns and the post-war movement for nuclear disarmament. Around 400 were produced by the Soviet Union. These include originals by Dmitry Moor and Gustav Klutsis and cover subjects including industry and agriculture, victory in the Second World War, peace and international solidarity. The majority of the poster collection can now be viewed on the MML’s website.
The Marx Memorial Library
Marx Memorial Library is a library, archive and education charity dedicated to Marxism, the history of socialism and the working class movement. Marx Memorial Library, 37a Clerkenwell Green, London, EC1R 0DU. m.jump@marx-memorial-library.org.uk www.marx-memorial-library.org.uk 020 7253 1485 Charity number 270309.
Designed and printed by unionised labour. www.kavitagraphics.co.uk and www.rapspiderweb.co.uk