The back of the first banner of Barnsley Miners Wives Action Group
The poster shows the back of the first banner of BMWAG. The group agreed the design by Betty Cook. It was painted and made in 1984 by David Andrassy, using acrylics on cotton fabric.
Betty explains this side of the banner, “Jean McCrindle was instrumental in organising and supporting the women in their completely new role … Percy Riley stood every week in Sheffield collecting for the striking miners and the women who were running the soup kitchens.”
On the front (not shown here but can be seen on the retaled greetings card) the pick and shovel represents the coal industry. The dove of peace reflects involvement with the Greenham Common women’s peace camp.
Betty comments “It was an honour to carry it. We took it everywhere we went." Anne Scargill adds "It was too precious to take on picket lines. They would have wrecked it and brayed us about the ears with it."
Barnsley Miners Wives Action Group
Barnsley Miners Wives Action Group formed in the Miners’ Strike of 1984/1985 and consisted of groups from South and West Yorkshire. We ran soup kitchens, supplied food parcels, attended rallies, spoke at support meetings both at home and abroad, picketed, were often arrested and supported other workers in struggle. We gained the attention of the media, giving interviews and participating in television documentaries.
In the second round of pit closures of 1992/93, as part of Women Against Pit Closures, we fought against the destruction of a viable coal industry, a way of life and our communities. We organised pit camps, including one outside the DTI in London where we were again arrested, and joined the occupation of Parkside Colliery.
We continue to support the NUM and provide medical aid to Cuba.
Barnsley Miners Wives Action Group,
Miners’ Offices,
2 Huddersfield Road,
S70 2LS
A minimum of 10p of the purchase price of this card is donated to the BMWAG.
Contact Past Pixels on 07743 325 401 or with information about other banners.
Photography by Martin Shakeshaft.
Photography, design and print by unionised labour.