Closed by the Tories 2
Past Pixels is privileged to provide space on our website for this product. Please note that this poster is not currently available from Past Pixels. Please see below for order details.
“Closed by the Tories 2” is a full colour print (measuring 100 x 70 cm) printed on quality card suitable for framing. It is produced by an ex-miner who was on strike in 1984/5. Updated from the 1995 edition, all Colleries and Workshops are now represented by their own badge with closures shown from 1984 to 2015. Statements made during the strike have been used to prove what we all knew then, that the Tories were misleading everyone about their real intentions for the mining industry.
This print is a tribute to all those who fought to keep the industry alive against overwhelming odds. It shows clearly who is to blame for the premature loss of our colleries and the devastation this has caused in coalmining communities.
It is available at £25 a copy with £5 going to the National Justice for Mineworkers Campaign which continues to supports miners victimised because of the strike. Postage and packaging is £6 (UK only). Prices are available on request for orders of more than one print. Please allow 14-28 days for delivery.
Payment via Paypal to:
Payment by cheque: payable to ‘nine-one-seven’ and send to CBTT2, 16 Druids Way, Penkridge, Staffs ST19 5HS
Payment by BACS: Nine-one-seven, Sort Code: 52-21-00, Account No: 18643450
For enquiries please call: 07976 272247 / 01785 261213 or email