Postcard: the banner of the Reading Branch of the ILP Postcard: the banner of the Reading Branch of the ILP allDescriptionThe banner of the Reading Branch of the Independent labour Party (to be updated) Any information about this banner would be appreciated. We are keen to know: - Who designed it and who made it. - Is the font used for the text seen elsewhere? - Was the design influenced by the Arts and Craft movement / William Morris? The ILP was one of the groups that founded the labour Party. Information about the current ILP can be found here. another link on the background to the ILP can be found here. For information about ILP on the Clyde look here. For a critical history try here. Produced for the Working Class Movement Library, Salford, by Worcester Labour History Studies Group, which has now closed. Photography by Martin Shakeshaft. Details SKU: WCML03 Product size: 105mm x 150mm Shipping Shipping category: Postcards The UK shipping charge for any size and any quantity is £0.60 Comments £0.60 Enter Quantity Product category: Postcards | Banners from WCML | Product theme: Trade union and labour movement banners | Banners held at the Working Class Movement Library (WCML) | Facebook LikeGoogle Plus OneTweet Widget