Postcard: The banner of the Manchester & Salford Womens Trades and Labour Council Postcard: The banner of the Manchester & Salford Womens Trades and Labour Council allDescriptionThe banner of the Manchester and Salford Womens Trades and Labour Council (to be updated) This banner was at the heart of the debate within the workers’ movement over the vote for women at the beginning of the twentieth century. The following link provides some background and refers to a useful book, Jill Liddington and Jill Norris, One Hand Tied Behind Us (1978). The other links are also informative. . Produced for the Working Class Movement Library, Salford, by Worcester Labour History Studies Group, which has now closed. Photography by Martin Shakeshaft. Details SKU: WCML01 Product size: 105mm x 150mm Shipping Shipping category: Related Other products you might be interested in ... Poster: the banner of the Manchester & Salford Women’s Trades and Labour Council (Posters) Comments £0.60 Enter Quantity Product category: Postcards | Banners from WCML | Product theme: Trade union and labour movement banners | Banners held at the Working Class Movement Library (WCML) | Facebook LikeGoogle Plus OneTweet Widget